I didn’t like this one too much. The main character Sarah was an unlikeable skank, and the book was mostly really boring – the build up of Sarah’s relationship with Agnes and Maddy took forever. The good stuff happened a few chapters after the fawn died. I never was able to muster up any sympathy or caring for Sarah at all. I thought the relationship between Agnes and Maddy was far more interesting. I only finished it to see how many random strangers Sarah would sleep with (only two; three if you count the random person she slept with in high school). I don’t know what it is with authors and their penchant for writing distinctly unlikeable characters – this whole casual sex thing is a rather contrived character flaw. Not only a contrived character flaw, but a half-assed character flaw that also seems to be some sort of political statement. I dunno. I just think there’s a difference between truly flawed characters and truly unlikeable characters with a boatload of very bad habits and characteristics.
The ending was also really sad. I think this book was marketed as a paranormal young adult novel, but there wasn’t anything really paranormal about it, other than the possibility of Maddy casting a spell on Sarah to make her chubby.
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