
Sex Trouble by Robert Stacy McCain

I loved this book, but then again, I’ve been reading the author’s blog for a few years now. This book examines the writings of prominent feminists from the past and the present. Stacy proves that the current form of feminism has its roots in a deep hatred of men (and that a great deal of these feminists are all lesbians) by quoting the feminists themselves. Today’s feminism is strongly influenced by the man-hating feminists of yesteryear (so to speak) and that this ideology is still being taught in Women’s Studies classes today.

It’s really short, though. I think Stacy is going to publish another book with more material. This book, however, is still pretty good and a quick read. There are also a lot of quotes from feminists, and they all come across as completely crazy.

The feminists over at Celebitchy need to read this book so that they understand why people like Shailene Woodley (and she’s an idiot, by the way) think that feminism is nothing more than man-hating. I mean, how could one reach any other conclusion after reading the crap written by the likes of Andrea Dworkin?

I see that a couple of social justice warriors already posted negative reviews of this book, and of course, those reviews are nothing but baseless insults – no real discussion.

(I originally posted this at the book’s Amazon page, under the name dom0-kun.  I know the name is weird.)

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